Filter the message generated for admin confirmation | Quick Event Manager
add_filter('qem_registration_email_message',,,3); This filters allows you to adjust the confirmation email to the admin / organiser (…
افزونه وردپرسی
سلام یک افزونه مشابه افزونه e2pdf میخواستم که اطلاعات گرویتی فرم رو در متن آماده درج…
How to Add Christmas Celebration Animation in WordPress Website
Add Christmas Snow Animation in WordPress Website
TOC before first heading
Output the TOC block before the first heading in a post
Alter what the Calendar Displays | Display Eventbrite Events
The Calendar (cal and cal list) is more complex than standard PHP templates because it utilizes…
NSB News and Events Aggregator
// Include Simple HTML DOM parsing library if needed (you can also manually include it if…
lore fokir
Add dynamic copyright year
This shortcode will automatically add "Copyright © 2024" (or the current year).
Apply discount on the cheapest item in WooCommerce
Apply discount on the cheapest item in WooCommerce
Filter the decision to send a user confirmation | Quick Event Manager
add_filter('qem_registration_always_confirm',,,1); This filter returns a Boolean to decide if a confirm is to be sent or…
Ai historie bot
// Funksjon for å generere en historie basert på OpenAI GPT function generate_story_with_openai($input) { $api_key =…
Add the Buy on Kindle button near Add to Cart in WooCommerce PDP.
Add the Buy on Kindle button near Add to Cart in WooCommerce PDP.