Filter Slider Speed | Display Eventbrite Events

The following filter changes slider speed from default 10 seconds ( 10000 milliseconds ). (Note this…

Change rating tooltip colors

Use this CSS to change the default colors for the rating tooltip.


Untitled Snippet

[wpcode id="4547"]

peter rumsavich

Allow Other WordPress Roles to View Email Logs

This snippet will allow you to manage the capabilities of roles allowed to view the site's…

Defining Other SMTP Constants

This snippet will prevent users from changing WP Mail SMTP settings in your WordPress admin area…

Connect to google

MemberPress: Mailchimp Feed Unblocker

Allows Mailchimp feed through the MemberPress rules protections. Go into your Mailchimp RSS setting and add…

MemberPress: Change Membership Registration URL

Each MemberPress Membership has an automatically generated registration page with its default URL. This code snippet…


// Using React Router V3 import { browserHistory } from 'react-router'; class App extends React.component {…


{ "lead": { "email": "[email protected]", "ipAddress": "", "referrer": "", "timestamp": 1699985224, "firstName": "Archie", "lastName": "Monster", "phone":…

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