Hey there! We're WC Vendors, the team behind the best WooCommerce multi vendor marketplace plugin.
You can find lots of code snippets on our profile here at WP Code that will enhance your marketplace with some of the less commonly asked for features we have generated installable code snippets for.
If you find a bug in one of these snippets please let us know via the support form on our site :)
And visit us if you're looking for a great multi vendor plugin for WooCommerce!
Add order status to the commissions table export
/** * Add order status to the commissions table export */ function wcv_commission_export_columns( $columns ){ $columns['order_status']…
Add extra shipping providers for vendor tracking numbers
$shipping_providers = array( 'Australia' => array( 'Australia Post' => 'https://auspost.com.au/mypost/track/#/details/%1$s', 'FedEx' => 'https://www.fedex.com/apps/fedextrack/?tracknumbers=%1$s&cntry_code=au', 'Fastway Couriers' =>…
WC Vendors Activate All Inactive Vendors
Activates all inactive Vendor Stores in a WC Vendors Marketplace. NOTE: To be ran once.
Add a document file upload
// Add the document field to the signup form. add_action( 'wcv_form_input_after__wcv_store_name', 'wcv_doc_uploader'); function wcv_doc_uploader( ){ if…
Enable product images in vendor order email notifications
add_filter( 'wcvendors_vendor_order_items_args', 'wcv_enable_product_image_vendor_order_email' ); function wcv_enable_product_image_vendor_order_email( $order_item_args ){ $order_item_args['show_image'] = true; return $order_item_args; }
Use Billing Address in Order Exports
add_filter( 'wcv_export_orders_use_shipping_address', 'wcv_order_export_use_shipping_address' ); function wcv_order_export_use_shipping_address( ){ return false;
The commission is only log when the order status is completed
log commission when the order status is completed.
Make the auction start price and auction dates required for vendors
This is from the integration with the WooCommerce Simple Auctions plugin
Add an image filed to the sign up form
// Add the image field to the signup form. add_action( 'wcv_form_input_after__wcv_store_name', 'wcv_image_uploader'); function wcv_image_uploader( ){ if…