148 Snippets
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Add Field To Set Custom Page As Donation Page

Create a new campaign field allowing to select the page where donations are made.

Change Section Headers Per Campaign

Change the section headers in the donation form.

Send Notifications On User Registration

/** * Notify admin and user when a user registers with Charitable. * * @param array[]…

Add User Field

This adds a field to the end of the "Your Details" section in the Profile form.

Add Campaign Raised Summary

Add a short summary after the donation details showing the funds raised by each campaign.

Change Custom Amount Field Label

Filter the custom amount field description.

Add Campaign Creator Name Donation Export

In this example, the campaign creator's name is added to the Donations export, so it's easy…

Set Custom Redirection After Registration

Send the user to a custom page after they have registered.

Require Us Phone Number Format

This snippet shows how to alter the phone field so that it only accepts a number…

Set New User Role

Set the role of users who register through the Charitable registration form shortcode.

Add Custom Field From Donation Form On The Receipt Page

This is an example of how to show a field data someone entered in their donation…

Add Custom Donation Field With Dynamic Value

Add a new donation field to be displayed in Charitable emails related to donations.

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