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Make Single Field Required

Make a single field on the donation form required.

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 * Make a single field required.
 * For an example showing how to make multiple fields required, see:
 * @see https://github.com/Charitable/library/blob/master/donation-form/make-donor-address-required.php
 * As of Charitable 1.6 the approach below is the recommended way of achieving this.
 * If you are using an older version of Charitable, see the legacy version below:
 * @see https://github.com/Charitable/library/blob/master/donation-form/legacy/make-donor-address-required.php
 * @return void
	function() {
		$fields = charitable()->donation_fields();
		 * Get the field using the field's key. Default options available:
		 * first_name
		 * last_name
		 * email
		 * address
		 * address_2
		 * city
		 * state
		 * postcode
		 * country
		 * phone
		 * anonymous_donation - If using Anonymous Donations.
		 * donor_comment - If using Donor Comments.
		$fields->get_field( 'address' )->set( 'donation_form', 'required', true );


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