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Require Us Phone Number Format

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 * This snippet shows how to alter the phone field so
 * that it only accepts a number between 8 and 12 digits
 * long, with an optional + at the start.
 * However, this example more generally shows how you can
 * force a field value to match a certain regex pattern.
 * @param  array $fields The fields in the form.
 * @return array
function ed_require_us_phone_format( $fields ) {
	/* If a phone field doesn't exist, stop right here. */
	if ( ! array_key_exists( 'phone', $fields ) ) {
		return $fields;
	/* Make sure that 'attrs' exists in the field. */
	if ( ! array_key_exists( 'attrs', $fields['phone'] ) ) {
		$fields['phone']['attrs'] = [];
	 * This defines the format of the phone number as being a
	 * string of 3 numbers, followed by a dash, then 3 more numbers,
	 * than 4 more numbers. US phone format, required by Authorize.Net.
	$pattern = '+?[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}';
	 * Add the pattern to the field by adding it to the
	 * `attrs` array.
	$fields['phone']['attrs']['pattern'] = $pattern;
	$fields['phone']['help'] = 'Please enter a phone number formatted like 111-111-1111.';
	return $fields;
add_filter( 'charitable_donation_form_user_fields', 'ed_require_us_phone_format' );
add_filter( 'charitable_user_address_fields', 'ed_require_us_phone_format' );
add_filter( 'charitable_campaign_submission_user_fields', 'ed_require_us_phone_format' );


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