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Unhook Default Charitable Template Functions

In this example, we're going to remove the donor count from the campaign page, but you can adapt this to unhook any template functions that are added by Charitable.

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 * Unhook default Charitable template functions.
 * In this example, we're going to remove the donor count from the campaign
 * page, but you can adapt this to unhook any template functions that are 
 * added by Charitable. 
 * You can find all of the template hooks defined in Charitable in 
 * charitable/includes/public/charitable-template-hooks.php
 * View them online at:
 * https://github.com/Charitable/Charitable/blob/stable/includes/public/charitable-template-hooks.php
 * Hooks are all defined using an `add_action()` or `add_filter()` function. 
 * To unhook a particular action/filter, copy and paste the entire line into
 * the function body below, and replace 'add' with 'remove'. See the example
 * below to understand how this works.
 * @see     https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/remove_action
 * @see     https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/remove_filter
function ed_unhook_default_template_functions() {
     * This hook is defined on line 70 of charitable/includes/public/charitable-template-hooks.php
     * The original `add_action()` call looks like this: 
     * add_action( 'charitable_campaign_summary', 'charitable_template_campaign_donor_count', 8 ); 
     * To unhook it, we copy this line entirely and change 'add' to 'remove'.
    remove_action( 'charitable_campaign_summary', 'charitable_template_campaign_donor_count', 8 );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'ed_unhook_default_template_functions', 11 );


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