FES Registration Form Redirect

function custom_fes_vendor_registration_redirect( $response, $post_id, $form_id ) { // replace http://google.com/ with your desired redirect URL $response[‘redirect_to’] = ‘http://google.com/’; return $response; } add_filter( ‘fes_register_form_pending_vendor’, ‘custom_fes_vendor_registration_redirect’, 10, 3 ); add_filter( ‘fes_register_form_frontend_vendor’, ‘custom_fes_vendor_registration_redirect’, 10, 3 );Continue reading

Change Vendor Delete Product Redirect

function kjm_change_vendor_delete_product_redirect() { $redirect_to = get_permalink( EDD_FES()->helper->get_option( ‘fes-vendor-dashboard-page’, false ) ); $redirect_to = add_query_arg( array( ‘task’ => ‘products’ ), $redirect_to ); wp_redirect( $redirect_to ); exit; } add_action( ‘fes_vendor_delete_product’, ‘kjm_change_vendor_delete_product_redirect’ );Continue reading

Submission Form Redirect

function sd_fes_submission_redirect( $response, $post_id, $form_id ) { $response[‘redirect_to’] = ‘http://SITEURL.com/’; return $response; } add_filter( ‘fes_add_post_redirect’, ‘sd_fes_submission_redirect’, 10, 3 );Continue reading

Profile Data Shortcode

function fes_profile_data( $atts ) { $output = ”; if ( empty( $atts[‘key’] ) ) { return $output; } $vendor = false; $vendor_var = get_query_var( ‘vendor’ ); if ( ! empty( $vendor_var ) ) { if ( is_numeric( $vendor_var ) )…Continue reading

Add FES Vendor Dashboard Tab

// add the tab item itself function custom_vendor_dashboard_menu( $menu_items ) { $menu_items[‘tab_name’] = array( “icon” => “earnings”, “task” => array( ‘tab_name’ ), “name” => __( ‘Tab Name’, ‘edd_fes’ ), // the text that appears on the tab ); return $menu_items;…Continue reading

Add Wallet Deposit Levels

function custom_wallet_desposit_levels( $levels ) { // add comma-separated deposit levels to default list // 2000 and 5000 are dollar value examples – adjust as needed $more_levels = array( ‘2000’, ‘5000’ ); return array_merge( $levels, $more_levels ); } add_filter( ‘edd_wallet_deposit_levels’, ‘custom_wallet_desposit_levels’…Continue reading

Weighted download count

function all_access_weighted_downloads( $all_access_pass, $download, $requested_file, $email, $log_id ) { // Get the download ID we will deliver $download_to_deliver = is_numeric( $_GET[‘edd-all-access-download’] ) ? $_GET[‘edd-all-access-download’] : NULL; $price_id_to_deliver = isset( $_GET[‘edd-all-access-price-id’] ) && is_numeric( $_GET[‘edd-all-access-price-id’] ) ? $_GET[‘edd-all-access-price-id’] : false; $file_id_to_deliver…Continue reading

Expire pass when counter used up

function all_access_expire_pass_when_counter_used_up( $all_access_pass, $download, $requested_file, $email, $log_id ) { // Get the download ID we will deliver $download_to_deliver = is_numeric( $_GET[‘edd-all-access-download’] ) ? $_GET[‘edd-all-access-download’] : NULL; $price_id_to_deliver = isset( $_GET[‘edd-all-access-price-id’] ) && is_numeric( $_GET[‘edd-all-access-price-id’] ) ? $_GET[‘edd-all-access-price-id’] : false; $file_id_to_deliver…Continue reading

Hide file-specific download options

function my_custom_function_to_hide_file_specific_options( $hide_file_specific_options, $download_id ) { return true; } add_filter( ‘edd_all_access_download_form_hide_file_specific_download_options’, ‘my_custom_function_to_hide_file_specific_options’, 10, 2 );Continue reading