Add Hours Currency

/** * Add a custom currency called “Hours”. * * @param string[] $currencies * @return string[] $currencies */ function en_add_hours_currency( $currencies ) { $currencies[ ‘HOURS’ ] = __( ‘Hours’, ‘your-namespace’ ); return $currencies; } add_filter( ‘charitable_currencies’, ‘en_add_hours_currency’ );Continue reading

Add Campaign Creator Export Fields

/** * Add additional campaign fields related to the campaign creator. * * @param array $columns The list of columns. * @return array */ function ed_charitable_add_creator_campaign_fields() { $creator_fields = array( ‘organization’ => __( ‘Campaign Creator Organization’, ‘your-namespace’ ), ‘address’ =>…Continue reading

Format Date

/** * Change the date format of the “Date of Donation” column in the Donations export. * * @param mixed $value The value to set. * @param string $key The key to set. * @param array $data The set of…Continue reading

Remove Donation Columns

/** * This example shows how to remove columns from the Donations export. * * Since this relies on the Donation Fields API, it requires Charitable 1.5+. * * For a way of doing this on older versions of Charitable,…Continue reading

Add Campaign Creator Name Donation Export

/** * In this example, the campaign creator’s name is added to the Donations * export, so it’s easy to see who created the campaign that received the * donation when exporting the donations. */ add_action( ‘init’, function() { $field…Continue reading

Add Extra Column

/** * This example shows how to remove columns from the Donations export. * * Since this relies on the Donation Fields API, it requires Charitable 1.5+. * * For a way of doing this on older versions of Charitable,…Continue reading

Add Individual Category Tag Columns

/** * By default, Charitable shows a “Campaign Categories” column in the * donations export, which lists the names of the categories that the * campaign is in. * * In some cases, it may be more helpful to show…Continue reading

Remove Stats Summary Block

/** * Remove the campaign summary block (funds raised, number of donors, etc). */ function en_remove_campaign_summary_block() { remove_action( ‘charitable_campaign_content_before’, ‘charitable_template_campaign_summary’, 6 ); // If you still want to show a Donate button, uncomment the line below. // add_action( ‘charitable_campaign_content_before’, ‘charitable_template_donate_button’,…Continue reading

Use Page Template For Campaigns

/** * Instead of using the Post template for campaigns, use the Page template as a fallback. * * @param string $template * @return string $template */ function ed_campaigns_use_page_template( $template ) { global $wp_query; if ( is_main_query() && is_singular( ‘campaign’…Continue reading

Change Campaign Rewrite To Not Use With Front

/** * Customizes the definition of the campaign post type, setting the * with_front option to false. * * @param array $post_type_args * @return array */ function ed_set_campaign_post_type_to_not_use_front( $post_type_args ) { $post_type_args[‘rewrite’][‘with_front’] = false; return $post_type_args; } add_filter( ‘charitable_campaign_post_type’, ‘ed_set_campaign_post_type_to_not_use_front’…Continue reading