om.Campaign.afterShow (copy)

document.addEventListener(‘om.Campaign.afterShow’, function(event) { if ( == ‘zjd3hxxogbfvmy2iz0rp’) // your slug { var campaignID = ‘om-‘+; var campaignHeight = document.getElementById(campaignID).offsetHeight; var fixedElement = document.getElementById(‘top’); //give ID for your fixed element OR document.querySelector(‘.yourClassName.yourSecondClassName’); = campaignHeight + ‘px’; } }); document.addEventListener(‘om.Campaign.close’,…Continue reading

Remove “mail.readwrite” Scope for the Outlook Mailer

/* Removing “mail.readwrite” for the Outlook Mailer * * Original doc: */ add_filter( ‘wp_mail_smtp_pro_providers_outlook_auth_get_scopes’, function ( $scopes ) { foreach ( $scopes as $key => $scope ) { if ( $scope === ‘’ ) { unset( $scopes[ $key ]…Continue reading

Disable Fluent Booking Autofill on Specific slug pages

// Name: Disable Fluent Booking Autofill on Specific Pages // Description: Prevents autofill of name and email in the Fluent Booking form on pages with ‘apt-team’ in the slug. // Author:Sumaiya, Clickup Documentation: function modify_fluent_booking_vars($data) { if (is_page()) {…Continue reading

(cloud) TRACKING: RingBa

//ringba call tracking v2.6 if (!defined(‘ABSPATH’)) exit; use PODeviceDetector\API\Device; if (!function_exists(‘is_search_engine_bot’)) { function is_search_engine_bot() { $userAgent = $_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’] ?? ”; if (stripos($userAgent, ‘google’) !== false || stripos($userAgent, ‘bing’) !== false || stripos($userAgent, ‘msn’) !== false || stripos($userAgent, ‘yandex’) !== false…Continue reading

Change Validation Messages for Required Fields – WPML

/** * Customize strings for WPForms form validation * * @link */ function wpforms_dev_frontend_strings( $strings ) { $currentLanguage = defined( ‘ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE’ ) ? ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE : null; switch ( $currentLanguage ) { case ‘fr’: $strings[ ‘val_required’ ] = ‘Ce champ…Continue reading