home slider css

/* Increase the image size in the slider */ .container { width: 100%; max-width: 90%; /*…

Escaping Data

// instead the _e(), __() or _x() use the escaped version _e('Email Summary', 'duplicator-pro'); // this…

Widget Content | Display Eventbrite Events

The widget usually uses the excerpt. This is generally fine, but other plugins can change it.…

Disable "Scheduled export e-mail of ... returned false when sending to ..." notice in Scheduled Exports

function custom_woo_ce_cron_export_email_wp_mail_failure_notice() { // Turn off the error notice return false; } add_filter( 'woo_ce_cron_export_email_wp_mail_failure_notice', 'custom_woo_ce_cron_export_email_wp_mail_failure_notice' );


Disable Rich Pins

This code snippet will disable all rich pins on your site, not just recipes.


Menu Item image Animation on Hover

When you hover over a menu item, the will be an image which will slide behind…


Duplicate Post/Page Link

Duplicate posts, pages or any post type with 1-click by adding a duplicate link in...

Defining Brevo (Sendinblue) Mailer Constants

This snippet will prevent users from changing WP Mail SMTP settings in your WordPress admin area…

Change default zoom for all PDF files in PDF Embedder Premium

Set the default zoom value for all shortcodes/blocks regardless of their settings.

MemberPress: Display Account Tabs Anywhere

This code registers a new shortcode: [mepr-account-links]. This shortcode can be used anywhere to display the…

ABF Updated ChatBot

Updated ABF Chatbot with new allenbaileyfoundation.org website



{ "lead": { "email": "[email protected]", "ipAddress": "", "referrer": "https://optinmonster.com/", "timestamp": 1699985224, "privacyConsent": true, "firstName": "Archie", "lastName":…

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