Add a Blue Dot Indicator for Containers/Widgets that have Custom CSS in the Elementor Navigator

You've probably been in this situation: you open an Elementor project and need to review or…

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How many people in session? 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Proceed

Toggle switch pricing tabel

$( document ).ready(function() { $('.group-two').hide(); $('.change-price').on('click', function() { $('.group-one, .group-two').toggle(); } ); });

Livrare 20kg plus

Cheltuielile de livare nu sunt incluse în prețul total la comenzile care depășesc 20 kg !…

Remove Campaign Name From Donation Summary

Change the output of the line items displayed by the donation summary in email receipts.

Add Post Parent Field

Register a Post Parent field for campaigns.

WPForms: display a form under the confirmation message with or without user entered field values.

add_action( 'wpforms_frontend_output_success', static function ( $form_data, $fields, $entry_id ) { unset( $_GET['wpforms_return'], $_POST['wpforms']['id'] ); // If…

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Publishing email

Emails the author when their download is published.

Move User Fields Below Account Creation

Move the user fields below the "create an account" fields

Content Restriction Compatibility for Software Licensing

Make the edd_restrict shortcode check if a license is expired before displaying content.

Reverse Receivers

Reverses the receivers for PayPal Adaptive Payments

Custom fields to vendor settings page

add_action('wcvendors_settings_after_paypal', 'pv_add_custom_merchant_id_field'); function pv_add_custom_merchant_id_field() { ?>

Allow WooCommerce Shop Managers to manage vendors

/* Lets Shop Managers edit users with these user roles */ function wcv_allow_shop_manager_role_edit_capabilities( $roles ) {…

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