Combined Date – Time Format (Do something with the Local Start Time) | Display Eventbrite Events

The combined date / time format appears in several layouts and typically looks like 12/02/2019, 10:00…

Switching between ftp_put and ftp_fput FTP upload methods in Store Exporter Deluxe

function custom_woo_ce_cron_export_ftp_switch() { // ftp_put or ftp_fput return 'ftp_fput'; } add_filter( 'woo_ce_cron_export_ftp_switch', 'custom_woo_ce_cron_export_ftp_switch' );


WC Vendors Activate All Inactive Vendors

Activates all inactive Vendor Stores in a WC Vendors Marketplace. NOTE: To be ran once.

Menu Item image Animation on Hover

When you hover over a menu item, the will be an image which will slide behind…


Defining Mailgun Mailer Constants

This snippet will prevent users from changing WP Mail SMTP settings in your WordPress admin area…

Back to Top Button (copy)

Add a simple button to scroll back to top on the frontend.



Severen Henderson

Add dynamic copyright year

This shortcode will automatically add "Copyright © 2024" (or the current year).


// Using Ember.js. import Route from '@ember/routing/route'; export default Route.extend({ beforeModel(transition) { if (window.om5678_1234) { window.om5678_1234.reset();…


html div#om-{{id}} { width: 350px !important; left: calc(350px / 2) !important; right: calc(350px / 2) !important;…

Add Theme colors to Head

Gets the theme colors for X/Pro theme and adds them to the head location to use…

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