crée moi moi un plugin pour wordpress pour un foodtruck avec une commande pour fermer et…
Add order status to commissions table
/** * Add order status to commissions table * * @param Array $columns array stored column…
Change product edit tab order 2
Alphabetically Sort
cart preview image stretch fix in oceanWP theme
/*Menu cart hover dropdown box image stretch fix*/ .woocommerce ul.product_list_widget li img { float: unset !important;…
Add TikTok to the social tab of settings
This will show the setting and it should be saved when saving the form.
Cache Time | Display Eventbrite Events
The free version has a cache time of 24 hours, for most uses this is fine…
Adjust Currency Symbols | Display Eventbrite Events
The Display Eventbrite plugin has a table that converts currency code to symbols. Sometime a user…
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