Generate a virtual coupon when order is completed.
This snippet will generate a new virtual coupon for a coupon that you've enabled virtual coupon…
Mass Order Delete
Bulk delete orders from Easy Digital Downloads easily
Force account creation by category or tag
Forces the customer to create an account at checkout if a download in the cart has…
Disable Renewals for Specific Products
Prevents license keys for certain downloads from being renewed or extended.
Move Points Message Below Content
Move Single Product Page Message below content
Commissions as a fixed dollar amount, or fixed plus a percentage.
add_filter( 'wcv_commission_rate', 'my_wcv_custom_filter', 10, 3 ); function my_wcv_custom_filter( $commission, $product_id, $product_price ) { return WCV_Commission::get_commission_rate( $product_id…
Show Left Sidebar Before Content on Mobile
By default the sidebar always displays below the content on mobile. This code will allow you…
City A/C Repair
Templates for backlinks of ac repair templates
// This code is part of the template, $tplData['hasShellZip'] is provided through TplMng $hasShellZip = $tplData['hasShellZip'];…
exclude meta key from duplicating products
exclude meta key from duplicating products
Filter the Event Title | Display Eventbrite Events
Example, adding Organizer Name to the front of Event Title. (Note this code snippet applies for…
Tasty Recipes - Change star rating size and spacing
Use this code example to change the star rating size and spacing inside the recipe card
Audience Pixel Code