Force Minimum Password Length in Profile Editor
Verify password minimum length in the EDD profile editor.
Give Subscription on Purchase
This snippet will provide customers with one year of access to subscription content when they make…
Change the sold by link label to vendor's name
Change the sold by link label to vendor's name
Use Billing Address in Order Exports
By default the export order feature for the vendor dashboard users the customers shipping address. This…
Add Custom Taxonomy - Single Vendor Taxonomy
It'll only allow the vendor to select one custom taxonomy term at a time
How to change the store address country for all vendors
/** * Set the vendor's store country to us. */ function wcv_set_vendor_country() { if ( function_exists(…
Allow "Mark received" for Digital Product
if ( ! function_exists( 'wcv_allow_mark_received_for_digital_product' ) ) { /** * Allow vendors to mark received for…
Including product tax to commission calculation
add_filter( 'wcvendors_commission_rate', 'wcv_calculate_commission_include_product_tax', 10, 5 ); function wcv_calculate_commission_include_product_tax( $commission, $product_id, $product_price, $order, $qty ) { $product…
MemberPress: Move PayPal Smart Pay Buttons
Move the PayPal Smart Pay Buttons under the checkboxes for accepting Terms of Service and the…
echo 'test';
Change the "Commission" header for the Recent Orders table
Change the "Commission" header for the Recent Orders table using the "wcvendors_recent_order_table_columns" filter hook.
Podcast for Thrive time
Garry Grant Podcast Thrive Time Show
Supports sending an email with a Stripe Pre-Approved payment is submitted.
By default EDD only sends a purchase confirmation when an order is marked as completed, however…
Combined Date – Time Format (Do something with the Local End Time) | Display Eventbrite Events
The combined date / time format appears in several layouts and typically looks like 12/02/2019, 10:00…
Trigger a Scheduled Export via a WordPress Action
function custom_trigger_scheduled_export_url() { $secret_key = ( isset( $_GET['secret_key'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['secret_key'] ) : false );…