MemberPress: Restrict Email Patterns for Specific Memberships

This code snippet prevents users with specific email patterns from registering for any of the specified…

modify woocommerce states list

Modyfiy Woocommerce state list to armenian towns villages or districts

MemberPress: Unsubscribed Memberships Shortcode

This code snippet adds [mepr-unsubscribed-memberships] shortcode to display an unordered list (Titles/links) of the logged-in user’s…

MemberPress: Add Email Parameter To Include the Password Reset Link

The code snippet adds the {$reset_password_link} email parameter that can be used in MemberPress emails. Adding…

Adjust Rate for Referrals

Adjusts the commission rate for payments that were referred by an affiliate when using Affiliates Pro

Add the_content to storefront template.

Changes the number of downloads displayed in the latest downloads section of the store front template.

Add Tax ID to Shipping Label

/** * Add the Tax ID Field to the settings page * * In this example…

Including product tax to commission calculation

add_filter( 'wcvendors_commission_rate', 'wcv_calculate_commission_include_product_tax', 10, 5 ); function wcv_calculate_commission_include_product_tax( $commission, $product_id, $product_price, $order, $qty ) { $product…

MemberPress: Move PayPal Smart Pay Buttons

Move the PayPal Smart Pay Buttons under the checkboxes for accepting Terms of Service and the…


echo 'test';

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