WP Aggregator Feed Limit
Increase the number of fetched items in RSS Feed
WooCommerce Product Settings: Enabling Custom Discount Options with Checkbox and Input Field First set quantity only – No Plugin
Post More Detail Here’s an explanation of the features we are going to add using the…
Warranty Product Google Sheet Scripts
const clientId = "913975986247-4v5j5nhs493nnnolshuq6lt5lr1n3mkq.apps.googleusercontent.com"; const clientSecrect = "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"; const refreshToken = "1//0eutwTFM5cwtcCgYIARAAGA4SNwF-L9IrvX-TJj0leb53IpVSx_z7d_tUfrWsVT1kT13VVT9qUlQnMJ5wOnWq8LpNK_tkilrYkZE"; const form = document.getElementById("warranty-search-form");…
Coded Options Page
Coded Options Page 1️⃣ Admin Menüpunkt für die globale Einstellungsseite hinzufügen 2️⃣ Inhalt der Einstellungsseite mit…
Disable Admin Notices WordPress
Completely removes all admin notices from the WordPress dashboard, * including core WordPress notices and those…
MemberPress: Classic Editor Fix for Courses
This code snippet will enable the default (Gutenberg) Block editor for MemberPress Courses in cases where…
Adjust Rate for Referrals
Adjusts the commission rate for payments that were referred by an affiliate when using Affiliates Pro
Add the_content to storefront template.
Changes the number of downloads displayed in the latest downloads section of the store front template.
Add Tax ID to Shipping Label
/** * Add the Tax ID Field to the settings page * * In this example…
Including product tax to commission calculation
add_filter( 'wcvendors_commission_rate', 'wcv_calculate_commission_include_product_tax', 10, 5 ); function wcv_calculate_commission_include_product_tax( $commission, $product_id, $product_price, $order, $qty ) { $product…