Show login form for logged out users

Shows the [edd_login] form on restricted content for logged out users.

Genesis theme - use block editor in widgets

//* Genesis Enable the block-based widget editor add_filter( 'use_widgets_block_editor', '__return_true' );

Ajax snippet

Jeremy Setters

Add a custom column to Commission table

/** * Add custom columns label * * @param Array $columns array stored column names *…

Hide SALE! Badges

/*Hide WooCommerce SALES Badges*/ .woocommerce span.onsale { display: none; } /*Hide SALES Badges in home page…

How to Disable Comments on Event Posts? | Quick Event Manager

This code snippet is designed to automatically disable comments for event post types generated via the…

Event URL (Simple Usage) | Display Eventbrite Events

This filter allows you to adjust the event URL. This is primarily so you can add…

Filter Music Promoter Age Restriction | Display Eventbrite Events

For Eventbrite music promoters only. Age restriction text is displayed unless it is set in Eventbrite…

Blocks on templates

Setting a specific block on specific templates by default

Hide the ‘Screen Options’ Tab on admin bar

Remove the Screen Options menu at the top of the admin bar.

Untitled Snippet

Helen Cleary

Use Single Tenant With the Outlook Mailer

This snippet will set the Outlook API authorization and access token URLs to use your unique…

Add dynamic copyright year (center) to footer

This shortcode will automatically add "Copyright © 2024" (or the current year) to the bottom of…

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