Change Breadcrumb Homepage Name in Schema
This filter can be used to change breadcrumb Homepage name in schema to 'Homepage'. IMPORTANT NOTE:…
Custom Logo Per Page
Add a way to choose a custom logo for each page.
Disable Openverse
Disable the Openverse integration for the media inserter.
Creating Multi-Column Form Layouts With CSS Classes
If you use a multi-column layout with conditional fields, any fields that are conditionally shown will…
Include Field Descriptions Inside Email Notifications
This snippet will have all field descriptions from all forms included in the email notifications.
Dynamically Add Article Schema to Posts
This filter can be used to Dynamically Add Article Schema to Posts.
Adding Custom Border to Your Form
/* Add custom border to specific form */ #wpforms-form-1234 { border: 2px solid #333333; padding: 20px;…
Copy Button for Code Blocks
Add a button to easily copy to clipboard for code blocks.
Remove the author of an article
This snippet removes author of an article
Remove #listItem from Breadcrumb schema
This snippet removes #listItem from all the URLs in the Breadcrumb schema
Shortcode to get all taxonomy values of current post
This snippet declares a shortcode to get all "Artist" taxonomy values of the current post.
Using the “Include Form Styling” Setting
With the Base styling only setting in place, multi-column layouts will generally not function properly. To…
Add Shortcodes to the List of Conflicting Shortcodes
Add shortcodes to the list of conflicting shortcodes
Change Sublabels for the Stripe Credit Card Field
With this snippet you can change the sublabels that appear on the Stripe Credit Card field…
Increasing Image Size in Notification Emails
With this PHP snippet, you can easily adjust the size of these images in larger sizes.