Show current day, month, year in various formats

Return the current date and parts of current date in various formats


GOOGLE AD, pub-8822076209599189, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Create List of Child Pages

To show a list of Child pages on the Parent Page

Animacja Formularza

jQuery("input , textarea").focus(function(){ jQuery(this).parents('.elementor-field-group').addClass('focused'); }); jQuery("input , textarea").blur(function(){ var inputValue = jQuery(this).val(); if ( inputValue ==…

Elementor - Parallax

function jquery_parallax() { ?>

Filter to change Custom Post Type settings | Quick Event Manager

The plugin uses Custom Post Types for Events. The default setting for the post type is…

Cache Time | Display Eventbrite Events

The free version has a cache time of 24 hours, for most uses this is fine…

HP Showcase

Raymond Zawacki

How to Disable Comments on Event Posts? | Quick Event Manager

This code snippet is designed to automatically disable comments for event post types generated via the…

Genesis theme - use block editor in widgets

//* Genesis Enable the block-based widget editor add_filter( 'use_widgets_block_editor', '__return_true' );

Eriberto23 AI

Es mi Chatbot para promover mi Negocio de ZenithZing

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