Amazon Affiliate Disclosure Bottom

Display an Amazon Affiliate disclosure at the bottom of posts and/or pages.


Event Data | Display Eventbrite Events

Please note that this guide is intended for advanced users and developers. Our plugin already offers…

Center and Enlarge the Play Icon for Thumbnails

This will make the play icon large and center it over the thumbnail of the videos…

Make "Follow on TikTok" Button Larger and Full Width.

This will make the "Follow on TikTok" button in the header span the whole width of…

Calendly Calendar for Demo

Calendly Calendar for Demo

Peter Wasmer

Increase SEO Analyzer TimeOut

AIOSEO - Increase SEO Analyzer TimeOut

GOOGLE AD, pub-8822076209599189, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

[IG] iOS Double-Click required to open lightbox fix

This snippet can be added in the functions.php file of a child theme to disable the…

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