Change Excerpt Length
Update the length of the Excerpts on your website using this snippet.
Remove Query Strings From Static Files
Use this snippet to remove query string from CSS & JS files and improve performance ratings.
Disable wlwmanifest link
Prevent WordPress from adding the Windows Live Writer manifest link to your pages.
Change Outgoing Email Sender
Change the outgoing sender name and email address. Don't forget to edit the snippet with...
Dynamic Year Copyright Shortcode
This snippet adds an easy-to-use shortcode to display the copyright symbol with the current year.
Remove the WordPress Logo From the Admin Bar
Hide the WordPress logo in the admin bar for all users.
Change Read More Text for Excerpts
Customize the "Read More" text that shows up after excerpts.
Block WP-Admin Area from Non-Administrators
Prevent users who are not administrators from accessing the wp-admin area.
Disable Embeds
Remove an extra request and prevent others from adding embeds in your site.
Add Featured Image Column
Display the featured image in the list of posts in the admin.
Lowercase Filenames for Uploads
Make all the filenames of new uploads to lowercase after you enable this snippet.
Limit Meta Description to 160 characters
This filter limits the Meta Description to 160 characters throughout the website
Remove Login Shake Animation
Prevent the Login box from shaking when entering the wrong password or username.
Disable Plugin & Theme Editor
Prevent users from using the Plugin & Theme file editor.
Disable Gutenberg Code Editing for Non-Admin Users
Prevent non-admin users from using "Edit as HTML" or "Code editor" in the Gutenberg Editor.