Custom Cart Row

Provides a function which can be modified to add a custom row of HTML to the…

WP Simple Pay: Google GA4 Payment Conversion Tracking

Execute a script the first and only time a payment confirmation is viewed.

Add Offline Instructions Field

Add a new field to your donation-related emails which shows the offline payment instructions for offline…

Set State Field To Us States Dropdown With Default

Change the "State" field into a "Province" field.

Override Wholesale Price Text Per Wholesale Role

This snippet allows you to display specific wholesale price text for each of your wholesale roles

WP Simple Pay: Lower reCAPTCHA Threshold

Adjusts the reCAPTCHA v3 threshold for determining fraudulent interactions. 1.0 is very likely a good interaction,…

Add CPTs for Typesense

Enables you to add the CPTs selected for indexing and searching with Typesense

Auto Complete Offline Donations

Automatically mark all offline donations as Paid.

Round Percent Donated To Whole Number

/** * Display percent donated as rounded whole number. * * @param string $return * @param…

Company Field on Receipt

Outputs the "Company" on the payment receipt.

Allow SVG Files Upload

/** * Allow SVG uploads for administrator users. * * @param array $upload_mimes Allowed mime types.…

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