Change rating tooltip colors

Use this CSS to change the default colors for the rating tooltip.


Action Scheduler Cleardown | Display Eventbrite Events

Eventbrite uses Action Scheduler to handle background tasks when background processing is enabled. By default, Action…

Alex Anzalone

Player profile for alex anzalone

Jeffrey Bilbrey

Tasty Recipes - Change star rating size and spacing

Use this code example to change the star rating size and spacing inside the recipe card


Google adsense

To connect to Google AdSense

Filter the message generated for admin confirmation | Quick Event Manager

add_filter('qem_registration_email_message',,,3); This filters allows you to adjust the confirmation email to the admin / organiser (…

Alter what the Calendar Displays | Display Eventbrite Events

The Calendar (cal and cal list) is more complex than standard PHP templates because it utilizes…

Add WooCommerce upsells below the add-to-cart button

// add upsells below add-to-cart button add_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'woocommerce_upsell_display', 40 );

Filter the decision to send a user confirmation | Quick Event Manager

add_filter('qem_registration_always_confirm',,,1); This filter returns a Boolean to decide if a confirm is to be sent or…

Change TikTok purchase Event

When using the WPCode Conversion Pixels addon the event name used when a purchase is completed…

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