Tutor LMS - Woocommerce Create Account After Payment

Gửi email tài khoản sau khi đã "completed" đơn hàng trên Woocommerce (Cartflows) -> kích hoạt…

Selling Green Bot

Selling Green Juice and Wellness Bot


Snippet Name: Change the WooCommerce variable product drop down place holder text

How to change Change the WooCommerce variable product drop down place holder text


Louis Agnello

Financing Snippet

Financing Credit App Embed

Dani Chu

Toggle switch pricing tabel

$( document ).ready(function() { $('.group-two').hide(); $('.change-price').on('click', function() { $('.group-one, .group-two').toggle(); } ); });

Add tracking pixel / javascript on modal checkout complete | Display Eventbrite

Enable addition javascript to be executed on Eventbrite Modal Order Complete, this can be use for…

Disable Widgets blocks

//Disable Widgets blocks add_filter( 'use_widgets_block_editor', '__return_false' );

Set the ranges for Calendar List View | Display Eventbrite Events

The following code snippet filters the valid ranges for the next/prev keys of the calendar list…

Masterstudy LMS - Woocomerce Create Account After Payment

Gửi email tài khoản sau khi đã "completed" đơn hàng trên Woocommerce (Cartflows) -> kích hoạt…

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