
{ "lead": { "email": "[email protected]", "ipAddress": "", "referrer": "", "timestamp": 1699985224, "privacyConsent": true, "firstName": "Archie", "lastName":…

RSA Group GTM Head Tag

Add GTM Tag to Site Header on RSA Site Group

Colin Bunn PRO


Hopefully the code for Docket shop

Justin Barron

Show Invoice for Pending

Makes PDF Invoices available for pending payments

Weighted download count

This plugin makes it so that certain products use up more downloads in the download counter…

Min-Max Product Price (with decimal support)

Add minimum/maximum validation to your product's price - with decimal support

Custom Tab Order For Dashboard

// Add this to your themes functions.php to change the order, rearrage the lines. First line…

Escaping Data

// instead the _e(), __() or _x() use the escaped version _e('Email Summary', 'duplicator-pro'); // this…

Basic WP escaping functions

// ❌ Don't use _e(), __(), _x() etc. to output data // ✅ Use the escaped…

Tweak Price Display (Appends Text) | Display Eventbrite Events

The Display Eventbrite plugin premium version can display prices. If you want to tweak to display…

Tasty Roundups - Change Heading from h2 to h3

Change all your Tasty Roundup headings from h2 tags to h3 tags



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