Replace [year] with the current year
Type [year] anywhere that you want the current year to be inserted.
Shortcode to show Thumbnail
Show the featured image anywhere in the post by using [thumbnail].
Add Pending To Approved Statuses
Make the "Pending" status an approved statuses, so that it is counted in the campaign funds…
Replace Add to Cart with Download
If the user has purcahsed the product already, show a links to download each file associated…
WP Simple Pay: Use Payment Form Description as Payment Description
Always use the payment form's "Description" as the Stripe payment description. By default WP Simple Pay…
WP Simple Pay: Programmatically Access Payment Metadata After Payment
Programmatically access metadata (such as custom field values) associated with a payment record after a subscription…
WP Simple Pay: Remove Trailing Decimals
Removes trailing decimals in amounts
Block URLs Inside Text Fields
This snippet will prevent Text and Textarea fields such as Single Line Text and Paragraph text…
Hide Elementor AI Image
/* * Hide Elementor image optimization ads when choosing the post's featured image on the backend…
Do On Complete
Execute code whenever an EDD purchase is complete.
Add FES Vendor Dashboard Tab
Add a new tab to the Frontend Submissions vendor dashboard menu.
Allow ICO Files Upload
Enable ICO File Uploads on your WordPress website with this PHP code snippet.
MemberPress: Exclude Posts, Pages, Categories, or Tags from PayWall
Exclude specific posts, pages, categories, or tags from being viewed with the PayWall free views.
Disable The WP Admin Bar
Hide the WordPress Admin Bar for all users in the frontend.