Disable Order Receipt Email Optimizations
In Easy Digital Downloads 3.2.0+, the Purchase Confirmation (or Receipt) email sent to customers is sent…
Event Snippet (Schedule Fitting)
Event snipping is used to track Google ads booking conversions
Google AdSense Ad blocking recovery (Head Section)
Google AdSense Ad blocking recovery (Head Section) Snippet
Make Private Posts Visible to Subscribers
/* * Make Private Posts visible to Subscribers * Typically only visible to admin or editor…
WP Simple Pay: Custom Decimal Separator
Changes the decimal separator from a . (period) to a , (comma).
WP Simple Pay: Google GA4 Payment Conversion Tracking
Execute a script the first and only time a payment confirmation is viewed.
Add a “Rate this recipe” Tasty Recipes quick link
After applying this snippet, your new quick link should appear at the top of the recipe…
Add Gateway Donation Field
Enable an email tag for the gateway_label donation field.
Bulk Update Campaign End Dates
Bulk-update the end date for all campaigns.
Szállítási módok elrejtése a Kosár oldalon
Ezzel a kóddal a Kosár oldalon lehet a szállítási módokat elrejteni, így a vásárlók azt csak…
Increase Memory Limit During Download Delivery
Increase the memory limit of your server to support the delivery of large downloads.
Contribution request
Keep your content free and ask for voluntary contributions. Readers that do not wish to contribute…
Yandex AD (Header Section)
Yandex AD (Header Section) snippet
Increase After Order Actions Delay
By default, Easy Digital Downloads schedules a WP Cron event 30 seconds after a purchase is…