Kupon kódok megjelenítése az értesítő email-ekben

Ezzel a kóddal megjeleníthetjük a vásárlás során felhasznált kupon kódokat az értesítő email-ekben. Az egyszerűbb és…

User Switching

Easily switch to a Customer when using the User Switching plugin

Disable PayPal for Multi-Item Checkout

Disables the PayPal gateway when the cart contains multiple items. PayPal disabled the ability to purchase…

Top Pagination

Adds pagination links to the top of the [downloads] short code

Add extra shipping providers for vendor tracking numbers

$shipping_providers = array( 'Australia' => array( 'Australia Post' => 'https://auspost.com.au/mypost/track/#/details/%1$s', 'FedEx' => 'https://www.fedex.com/apps/fedextrack/?tracknumbers=%1$s&cntry_code=au', 'Fastway Couriers' =>…

custom order status wpadmin

/* * Register a custom order status * * @author Misha Rudrastyh * @url https://rudrastyh.com/woocommerce/order-statuses.html */…

Override Header Logo with Custom SVG

While you can select an SVG image from the customizer for your header logo if you…

Event URL (Additional Data) | Display Eventbrite Events

This filter allows you to adjust the event URL. This is primarily so you can add…

Tweak Price Display (Appends Text) | Display Eventbrite Events

The Display Eventbrite plugin premium version can display prices. If you want to tweak to display…

Changing Text For Suggestion Donation Descriptions

You can place this code in your theme functions.php or use WPCode.

Add a single Order export field with all Shipping address details

function custom_woo_ce_extend_order_fields( $fields ) { $fields[] = array( 'name' => 'shipping_address_full', 'label' => 'Shipping: All details',…

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