Set Minimum total purchase amount
add_action( 'woocommerce_check_cart_items', 'required_min_cart_subtotal_amount' ); function required_min_cart_subtotal_amount() { // HERE Set minimum cart total amount $minimum_amount =…
google AdSense infeed
google AdSense infeed snippet
Untitled Snippet
WP Simple Pay: Disable Webhook Failed Notification
Disable alert bubbles when webhook events are not received.
Increase SEO Analyzer TimeOut
AIOSEO - Increase SEO Analyzer TimeOut
Rich Pins
Rich Pins on Pinterest
Remove Terms Fields
If you would like to enable the terms and conditions, privacy policy and user contact consent…
Move Campaign Summary Description Below Content
Shuffle the order of things on the campaign page.
CWP - ConvertKit RSS email ID
Adds ConvertKit email ID to RSS feeds for better conversion tracking
Change Number of Downloads in Bundle Select
When editing a bundle, the select field for choosing the downloads to include only displays a…
Current Year
function current_year_shortcode() { return date('Y'); } add_shortcode('year', 'current_year_shortcode');