Change Number of Downloads in Bundle Select
When editing a bundle, the select field for choosing the downloads to include only displays a…
Current Year
function current_year_shortcode() { return date('Y'); } add_shortcode('year', 'current_year_shortcode');
Change Text For Minimum Donation Message
This allows you to change text for the display of the minimum donation on a donation…
Make Product Non Purchasable for Wholesale Customer if Product Stock is Less Than Certain Amount
This snippet will allow you to make a product unavailable for purchase by wholesale customers if…
Disable New User Notifications
Disable the new user notification email for both the admin and user
Custom Cart Expiration
Sets the cart expiration to a custom value with database sessions.
WP Simple Pay: BuddyBoss Preview Compatibility
Provides BuddyBoss preview function compatibility
How to Change the Error Text for Failed Submissions
This code snippet changes the error text that shows to your visitors on failed submissions.
تغيير عمله
/** * Change a currency symbol */ add_filter('woocommerce_currency_symbol', 'change_existing_currency_symbol', 10, 2); function change_existing_currency_symbol( $currency_symbol, $currency )…
Set Fixed Donation Amount
Automatically set the donation amount and recurring period for donations.
Set featured image aspect ratio
Used for featured image in query loop or any other image the class is applied to