Disable All UpdraftPlus Email Notifications
This snippet completely disables all email notifications from UpdraftPlus, including backup reports, error notifications, warnings, and…
Local pickup custom percentage discount in WooCommerce checkout
Offering discounts for local pickup is a great way to attract customers who are looking for…
Allow SVG uploads for administrator users.
Allow SVG uploads for administrator users.
Enable Pinch to Zoom on Mobile Devices
function remove_my_action() { remove_action('wp_head', 'et_add_viewport_meta'); } function dt_et_add_viewport_meta(){ echo ''; } add_action( 'init', 'remove_my_action'); add_action( 'wp_head',…
Link Featured Image to Post
Snippet for automatically link image to post
Untitled Snippet
Info om tävlingenStarta tävling Första gåtanSubmit Andra gåtanSubmit Tredje gåtanSubmit Resultat och översiktTiden det tog för…
Disable Donation Receipt For Offline Donations
Disable the donation receipt email for offline donations.
Set Maximum Donation Amount
Set the maximum donation amount required.
REST API Shopping Cart Endpoint for EDD
Adds a REST API endpoint that returns the current user's shopping cart.
Billing Address Email Tag - Actual Country Name
Replace the default {billing_address} email tag to use the full State/Country names on purchase receipts.
Simple Chained Products
Enables a chained products setting on the Download product edit screen for automatically adding "chained" products…