Search results for: admin

Open All Internal and External Link in New Tab in Wordpress

Open All Internal and External Link in New Tab in Wordpress

Ultra Shop button

A button to link our shop to the Ultraceuticals Shop

Set Wordpress Gallery Link to Image Default

Override wordpress default linking to attachment page

Vendor Email Tag

Show the Shop Vendor's email for each download purchased

Download Archive Purchase Buttons

Output purchase button below the full content on download archive pages.

Style Just OptinMonster Campaign Placeholders

html div#om-{{id}} ::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: #333 !important; } /* Chrome/Opera/Safari */ html div#om-{{id}} ::-moz-placeholder { color:…

Change a license activation limit prgramatically.

This snippet is an example of changing the activation limit on a license key based on…

Remove Decimals

Removes decimal places from all prices

Template: After Order Actions

This is a template that can be used to hook into the `edd_after_order_actions` hook, allowing developers…

AIO Dashboard

Suport for AIO SEO dashboard

Custom Social Share Email Subject

If you wish to modify the email subject text when clicking the social share email icon…

How to Add Custom Code Snippets in WordPress

For this guide, we’ll create a custom code that prevents theme conflicts that cause Radio and…


Non-required Card State

Makes the cart state a non-required field when present

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