Search results for: admin

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Allow Users Without Editing Permissions to Edit Their Author SEO Details

This filter can be used to allow users that don’t have editing permissions to edit their…



{ "lead": { "email": "[email protected]", "ipAddress": "", "referrer": "", "timestamp": 1699985224, "privacyConsent": true, "firstName": "Archie", "lastName":…

Combined Date – Time Format (Sample: am / pm) | Display Eventbrite Events

The combined date / time format appears in several layouts and typically looks like 12/02/2019, 10:00…

Remove Multiple Fields From {all_fields} in Notifications

This code snippet removes multiple fields from your email notifications while still using the {all_fields} smart…



adam holt

Add Custom Field From Donation Form On The Receipt Page

This is an example of how to show a field data someone entered in their donation…

Force Minimum Password Length at Checkout

Force a minimum password length when a customer creates an account at checkout

Adding a Custom Filter when using Other SMTP Setting

This snippet will help in troubleshooting steps from "SMTP Error: Could not authenticate".

Enable Legacy Email Templates

This snippet will allow the ability to select Legacy from the WPForms >> Settings >> Email…

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