Add custom page to the vendor dashboard - custom menu link
add_filter( 'wcv_pro_dashboard_urls', 'custom_menu_link' ); function custom_menu_link( $pages ) { $pages[ 'custom_link' ] = array( 'slug' =>…
Buy Now
Stop Lazy Load
add_filter( 'wp_lazy_loading_enabled', '__return_false' );
function featuredtoRSS($content) { global $post; if ( has_post_thumbnail( $post->ID ) ){ $content = '<div>' . get_the_post_thumbnail(…
Change Add Product button URL
Change Add Product button URL
Hotfix: Remove Stripe Statement Descriptor
In EDD 3.2.8, Easy Digital Downloads changed how Statement Descriptors are used with Stripe Payments to…
Remove image link from media uploads
Older versions of WordPress automatically linked the image to the media file.
Customize Action Scheduler Retention Period
This snippet allows you to change the default 30-day storage for the Action Scheduler retention period.
Define the Mailgun Signing Key Constant
This snippet will allow you to define your Mailgun Signing Key constant inside your wp-config.php file…
MemberPress: Display Custom Field Value Instead of Customer Name in PDF invoice
This code snippet automatically adds the custom field value or the customer's full name at the…
Adding Text/Currency To Progress Bar On Campaign Pages
This only applies to campaigns created with the visual builder introduced in v1.8.0.
Personal Assistant MightyCause
MightyCause bot named MightyGuide