Override Header Logo with Custom SVG
While you can select an SVG image from the customizer for your header logo if you…
Event URL (Additional Data) | Display Eventbrite Events
This filter allows you to adjust the event URL. This is primarily so you can add…
Tweak Price Display (Appends Text) | Display Eventbrite Events
The Display Eventbrite plugin premium version can display prices. If you want to tweak to display…
Changing Text For Suggestion Donation Descriptions
You can place this code in your theme functions.php or use WPCode.
Add a single Order export field with all Shipping address details
function custom_woo_ce_extend_order_fields( $fields ) { $fields[] = array( 'name' => 'shipping_address_full', 'label' => 'Shipping: All details',…
Headers and Footers
To track Google analytics.
https://www.highcpmgate.com/nhbhtr0d?key=03e2438ad5e312b7ac5fafb7447c08d2 https://www.highcpmgate.com/nhbhtr0d?key=03e2438ad5e312b7ac5fafb7447c08d2/unitap.io
Send Site Notifications to a BCC Address
This snippet will ensure all your site’s outgoing emails are also sent to a specific BCC…
Сортировка методов доставки СДЭК по стоимости, от дешевых к дорогим
Сниппет предназначен для сортировки методов доставки СДЭК. Сортировка происходит от самых дешевых к самым дорогим.
MemberPress: Disable Math Captcha on login page
The code allows you to use the MemberPress Math Captcha plugin for registration only. This code…
Device based Monsterlink
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// OptinMonster Javascript Event for Google Analytics Conversion Event document.addEventListener( 'om.GoogleAnalytics.preConversionEvent', function( event ) { var…