MemberPress: Show MemberPress Account Page Navigation Menu on Any Page
The code snippet will register the [mepr-account-nav-menu] shortcode once added to the website. Adding the shortcode…
Search and replace text strings
This snippet searches for 'old' text and replaces it with the new text. This way you…
MemberPress: Disable Emails for Specific Memberships
The code snippet will disable emails from being sent based on the text matching a membership…
MemberPress: Send Password Reset Email After Subscription Signup
This code can be used to trigger the reset password email to users automatically after users…
Php software
Donation Form Email Check
If you need to do manual validation of an email when a donation is being submitted…
Enhanced Force Author Plugin
Forces a specific user to be the author of all posts and pages while maintaining the…
Remove Caddy Premium conversions from showing on the WooCommerce orders page
This prevents Caddy Premium from modifying the orders table and item display
Untitled Snippet
Content-Type HTTP response header, element within the first 1024 bytes of your HTML document.
Lock users if website is idle for certain period ウェブサイトが一定期間アイドル状態の場合にユーザーをロックするBy Amiru San
如果网站闲置一段时间,锁定用户. ウェブサイトが一定期間アイドル状態の場合にユーザーをロックする By Amiru San
It'll create profiles based on the API data using Pods.
Enable Pinch to Zoom on Mobile Devices
function remove_my_action() { remove_action('wp_head', 'et_add_viewport_meta'); } function dt_et_add_viewport_meta(){ echo ''; } add_action( 'init', 'remove_my_action'); add_action( 'wp_head',…