Remove Google Fonts
add_filter( 'elementor/frontend/print_google_fonts', '__return_false' );
blutooth connection
i want a on off button that when press each other send logical true if press…
Remove Subscriber from Segment
This snippet helps remove a push subscriber from a segment on the defined event.
Auto Responder Message Content | Quick Event Manager
add_filter('qem_autoresponder-message-content', , , 3); This filter allows you to alter the auto responder message content from…
Alter what the Calendar Displays | Display Eventbrite Events
The Calendar (cal and cal list) is more complex than standard PHP templates because it utilizes…
Login 'Remember Me' checked by default
'Remember Me' checked by default
Test snippet
This is just for testing -- nice that there is a description area.
Allow SVG Files Upload
Add support for SVG files to be uploaded in WordPress media.
Defining General Settings Constants
Every constant in this section can be used for any mailer because they’re not specific to…
MemberPress: Remove the “Pause” Link for Subscriptions on the Account Page
The code will hide the Pause link for user subscriptions on the User account page (Account…
Admin Giriş Url'sini Değiştir
Admin giriş linkini değiştirir.
MemberPress: Allow Users to Pause/Resume Subscriptions Only for Specific Memberships
For this code snippet to work, the Allow members to pause/resume their subscription option needs to…
div#om-{{id}} * { font-family: "Proxima Nova", Helvetica, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif !important; }