WPForms: add several new smart tags for newly submitted CPT: ID, title and URL.
Mainly useful when the Post Submissions addon is used. Several new smart tags are registered to…
Kupon kódok megjelenítése az értesítő email-ekben
Ezzel a kóddal megjeleníthetjük a vásárlás során felhasznált kupon kódokat az értesítő email-ekben. Az egyszerűbb és…
Button - Read More to Buy Now
changes read more to buy now
Download Archive Menu Item
Displays the download archive link in the "View All" tab of the "Pages" menu items meta…
Retroactive License Emails
Send an email with the license key to customers when retroactively generating licenses with Easy Digital…
Download Archive Purchase Buttons
Output purchase button below the full content on download archive pages.
Auto Generate Virtual Coupon After a Customer Completed an Order
/** * Generate a virtual coupon when order is completed. * * @param int $order_id Order…
Bulk Change Custom Order Status wpadmin
add_filter( 'bulk_actions-edit-shop_order', 'misha_register_bulk_action' ); // edit-shop_order is the screen ID of the orders page function misha_register_bulk_action(…
Remove Location Taxonomy
// Add custom Bulk Action to the Pages view function custom_add_bulk_action() { global $post_type; if ($post_type…
Combined Date – Time Format (Sample: am / pm) | Display Eventbrite Events
The combined date / time format appears in several layouts and typically looks like 12/02/2019, 10:00…
Login 'Remember Me' checked by default
'Remember Me' checked by default
Test snippet
This is just for testing -- nice that there is a description area.