MemberPress: Add Email Recipients to Specific Emails
This code snippet adds additional email recipients to the MemberPress email recipient list if the email…
MemberPress: Change Country VAT Rate for a Certain Membership
The code snippet will modify the VAT rate on registration for a specified membership only if…
change from the address
change email and name posted
Show Terms By Default
Show the terms of agreement open on the checkout page by default
Prevent Wholesale Customer to Add Product to the Cart If The Product is Low on Stock
// Prevent wholesale customer to add to cart if the product is low on stock add_filter('woocommerce_is_purchasable',…
Pre-approval Emails
Email the admin and customer when a pre-approval payment has been made.
MemberPress: Require Coupon at Checkout
Make the coupon field required at checkout.
Download Manager
Support for Download Manager for WC Vendor
The commission is only log when the order status is completed
log commission when the order status is completed.
Disable delayed customer recalculations
In EDD, to improve checkout performance, the recalculation of a customer's stats were deferred by…
Extra WordPress Filters in Pro (Update single event pretty permalink to avoid permalink conflict) | Display Eventbrite Events
Using this filter, you can update single event pretty permalink to avoid permalink conflict. By default,…
Change Arabic Currency symbol to the currency short code
example change د.إ to AED and all the Arabic currencies
Header end footer
Heade r end footer