Hide file-specific download options

This plugin hides file-specific download options so that All Access customers can only view/download the first…

Remove Product Notes For Specific Downloads

Remove a download's product notes from showing on the purchase confirmation page, the admin email, and…


Taylor Lunemann

Add an audio field to the sign up form

// Add the audio field to the signup form. add_action( 'wcv_form_input_after__wcv_store_name', 'wcv_audio_uploader'); function wcv_audio_uploader( ){ //…

Change the sold by label on the product archive

// Unhook WC Vendors method remove_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item', array('WCV_Vendor_Shop', 'template_loop_sold_by'), 9 ); // Define new sold by…

Untitled Snippet

i want a on off button that when press each other send logical true if press…

Add Profile ID to Subscriber

You can assign any CRM ID or your database ID to your push subscriber and then…

Class Clashes | Display Eventbrite Events

We have discovered conflicts between certain themes and classes, such as the .free class conflicting with…

Google Call Tracking - On Website

This snippet goes on the Contact page where our phone number is displayed. It allows Google…

Andrew Boldizsar PRO

MemberPress: Change default values for state and country fields on registration forms

Change the default values for the state and country fields on registration forms.

RB2B script

Rick Bawcum PRO
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