Class Clashes | Display Eventbrite Events

We have discovered conflicts between certain themes and classes, such as the .free class conflicting with…

Disable Gutenberg Editor (use Classic Editor)

Switch back to the Classic Editor by disablling the Block Editor.

Defining Email Log Constants

This snippet will prevent users from changing WP Mail SMTP settings in your WordPress admin area…

Rerender PDF Viewer when embedded inside Kadence Blocks > Tabs for PDF Embedder Lite

When you add a PDF Embedder block or shortcode inside the Tabs block of the Kadence…

BNB Auto Bot

BNB Auto Group Customer Service Bot



html .Campaign * { font-family: "Proxima Nova", Helvetica, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif !important; }


Register and Enqueue masonry.js library for grid layouts

Add Theme Supports


Set a minimum order amount in WooCommerce – No Plugin used

Post More Detail Learn how to Set a minimum order amount in WooCommerce. Customer will not…

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