
Easy Digital Downloads is the Best Digital eCommerce Plugin for WordPress.

Join 50,000+ smart business owners who use Easy Digital Downloads to easily manage their store and sell everything from eBooks, to WordPress Plugins, PDF Documents, and more. No code required.

153 Snippets
10+ Favourites
70+ Downloads

Show Discount Field

Makes the discount field on checkout show by default.

Add FES Vendor Dashboard Tab

Add a new tab to the Frontend Submissions vendor dashboard menu.

Prevent Duplicate Cart Items

Prevents the same item from being added to the cart multiple times.

Customize User Verification Email

Modifies the email sent to customers to verify their accounts.

Remove Manage Sites

Removes the Manage Sites column from the licenses table on the customer purchase history page

Exclude downloads from search

Exclude downloads from showing in search results

Submission Form Redirect

Filter the redirect URL for successful FES Submission Form submission

FES Registration Form Redirect

Set custom redirect URLs for those who just registered to become vendors.

Translate Products

Code required to translate the word "Products".

Display Vendor-Submitted data as Restricted Content.

Automatically output content submitted by FES Vendors wrapped in the [edd_restrict] shortcode.

Download Column Thumbnail

Render a new post column featuring the download thumbnail.

Prevent Discounts on Renewals

Does not allow a discount code to be applied when an EDD SL is present in…

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