
Easy Digital Downloads is the Best Digital eCommerce Plugin for WordPress.

Join 50,000+ smart business owners who use Easy Digital Downloads to easily manage their store and sell everything from eBooks, to WordPress Plugins, PDF Documents, and more. No code required.

155 Snippets
30+ Favourites
100+ Downloads

Prevent Duplicate Cart Items

Prevents the same item from being added to the cart multiple times.

Change a license activation limit prgramatically.

This snippet is an example of changing the activation limit on a license key based on…

Remove Manage Sites

Removes the Manage Sites column from the licenses table on the customer purchase history page

Do On Complete

Execute code whenever an EDD purchase is complete.

Submission Form Redirect

Filter the redirect URL for successful FES Submission Form submission

FES Registration Form Redirect

Set custom redirect URLs for those who just registered to become vendors.

Add terms to downloads shortcode

Adds label and comma-separated terms list to [downloads] shortcode based on taxonomy

Remove Price

Removes the price from all add to cart buttons

Translate Products

Code required to translate the word "Products".

User Switching

Easily switch to a Customer when using the User Switching plugin

Convert Customers to Users

Adds a tool to create user accounts for customers that don't already have them, and update…

Company Field on Receipt

Outputs the "Company" on the payment receipt.

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