
Amateur hobbyist

16 Snippets
<10 Favourites

Hide Payment Icons When Free

Hide payment icons on the checkout form when cart total is free

Prevent Duplicate Cart Items

Prevents the same item from being added to the cart multiple times.

Book Review

Used to list book review recommendations

Valerie Hunter

WP Simple Pay: Copy Payment Metadata to Customer Metadata

Ensure the Stripe Customer metadata is the same as the Stripe Payment metadata.

Custom drag and drop

Allows you to drag and drop to reorder posts in the WP backend.


Helper functions to make generating WordPress post type labels and taxonomy labels easier

Generate post type and taxonomy labels easily by specifying the singular and plural version of the…

Ensure Webfont is Loaded (non-Elementor)

function custom_font_display( $current_value, $font_family, $data ) { return 'swap'; } add_filter( 'font_display', 'custom_font_display', 10, 3 );

Override Header Logo with Custom SVG

While you can select an SVG image from the customizer for your header logo if you…

Remove Specific Post Type From Public Post Type List

This filter can be used to remove the movie post type from the public post type…


Remove Specific Taxonomy From Public Taxonomies List

This filter can be used to remove the 'genre' taxonomy from the public taxonomies list.


Logout URL

This snippet creates a simple logout URL link that you can use as a shortcode.


Add data-no-optimize to all JS snippets

This snippet filters the output of all the WPCode JavaScript snippets to add the data-no-optimize parameter…

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