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WP Simple Pay: Add More Aggressive Rate Limiting

Changes the various default rate limit settings.

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 * @link https://library.wpcode.com/snippet/r5p3r9o8/
 * Lower the number of requests allowed for the set timeframe to 3 (default 5).
 	 * @return int The number of requests that can be made in the timeframe.
	function() {
		return 3;
 * Increase the rate limit timeframe to 12 hours (default 2.5 hours).
 	 * @return int The number of seconds of the rate limit timeframe.
	function() {
		return HOUR_IN_SECONDS * 12;
 * Change the rate limit's unique identifier to the current user ID, if available.
 * By default this is the best approximation of the user's IP address.
 * IP address may be affected byIf the store is behind a proxy, load balancer, CDN etc.
 * Only recommmended if "WP Simple Pay > Settings > Anti-Spam > Require User Authentication" is enabled.
	 * @var string $ip
	 * @return string|int
	function( $ip ) {
		if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
			return $ip;
		return get_current_user_id();


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