Enable Shortcode Execution in Text Widgets

Extend the default Text Widget with shortcode execution.


Simple Countdown Timer

Display a simple countdown timer using this snippet anywhere on your site.


WooCommerce Change "$0.00" to "Free"

/** * Snippet Name: WooCommerce Change "$0.00" to "Free" * Snippet Author: ecommercehints.com */ add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_price_html',…

My Insert widget in header

My own way of Inserting widget in header

Add a color picker field in Formidable Forms

Install this snippet and add 'frm-color-picker' in the 'CSS Layout Classes' setting for a field.

Customer Order Note for WooCommerce Products

Inserts a note field next to the add-to-cart button on every WooCommerce product page. Customers can…

Mike Whelan

Show current day, month, year in various formats

Return the current date and parts of current date in various formats


Create List of Child Pages

To show a list of Child pages on the Parent Page


// setup console.log("running"); let q = 1; const submit = document.getElementById("next-button"); const question = document.getElementById("question"); //…

wordpress on-page confirmation message

.wpforms-confirmation-container-full { color: #D2A336; margin: 0 0 24px 0; background: #000000; border: 1px solid #D2A336; padding:…

Filter to change Custom Post Type settings | Quick Event Manager

The plugin uses Custom Post Types for Events. The default setting for the post type is…

Child Support Calculator

function child_support_calculator_shortcode() { // Enqueue the JavaScript wp_enqueue_script('child-support-calculator', get_template_directory_uri() . '/path-to-your-js-folder/child-support-calculator.js', array('jquery'), '1.0.0', true); ob_start(); include…

Jeremy Setters

Combine shortcodes to have more than one month in Fullworks' Event Manager

This snippet combines 3 shortcodes of qem to list the current month, next month and the…

Book Review

Used to list book review recommendations

Valerie Hunter

Amazon Affiliate Disclosure Top

Display an Amazon Affiliate disclosure at the top of posts and/or pages.

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