Search results for: header

Login Form Styling

Custom styling for login forms


Disable Rich Pins

This code snippet will disable all rich pins on your site, not just recipes.



Louis Agnello

Prevent Copy Paste

This JavaScript snippet prevents right-click and copy events on the frontend



Used to display popup modal in GenerateBlocks

Event Snippet (Schedule Fitting)

Event snipping is used to track Google ads booking conversions

JT Trisko PRO

WC Vendors Activate All Inactive Vendors

Activates all inactive Vendor Stores in a WC Vendors Marketplace. NOTE: To be ran once.

Set featured image aspect ratio

Used for featured image in query loop or any other image the class is applied to

Google Tag Fitting

Google Tag manager snippet to track

JT Trisko PRO
1 9 10 11 12 13 14