

Paul Discher

Gravity Forms Auto-populate Date

The purpose of this snippet is to calculate a date 90 days from today. That serves…

Dave Bayless


document.addEventListener('om.Dtr.init', function(event) { console.log(event.detail.Dtr); console.log(event.detail.Campaign); // Registers a custom `name` smart tag. event.detail.Dtr.setCustomVariable('name', 'Thomas'); } );

Check URL for Braze UUID

Check URL for Braze UUID, if exists call braze.changeuser()

Colin Bunn PRO

NSB News and Events Aggregator

// Include Simple HTML DOM parsing library if needed (you can also manually include it if…

bo pennington

Untitled Snippet

// Disable Gutemberg add_filter( 'use_block_editor_for_post', '__return_false', 10 );

MemberPress: Override ReadyLaunch Description For The Specific Payment Method on Click

The code snippet works on the ReadyLaunch™ registration pages only. This code snippet will override the…

MemberPress: Modify ReadyLaunch Invoice Amount Text to Remove Dot from Swedish Kron (kr.)

Note: Works with the ReadyLaunch template only. This code snippet removes the period (.) after the…

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