Redirecting Vendors to Vendor Dashboard on Login
Snippet To Redirect Vendors to their Dashboard on login
Add menu item to vendor dashboard
// Add this to your themes functions.php function add_menu_item( $pages ){ $pages[] = array( 'label' =>…
Fluid Design Framework - Fonts: Viewport MIN - 320 -- Viewport MAX - 1200 Space: Viewport…
Custom Social Share Email Body
Can be used to modify the default email body (content) when a user clicks the social…
Escaping data with wp_kses
// ❌ Don't use html tags in escaping functions like esc_html, esc_attr and their localized equivalents…
Filter the decision to send a user confirmation | Quick Event Manager
add_filter('qem_registration_always_confirm',,,1); This filter returns a Boolean to decide if a confirm is to be sent or…
Filter Slider Speed | Display Eventbrite Events
The following filter changes slider speed from default 10 seconds ( 10000 milliseconds ). (Note this…
Add file to media library programmatically
wp_insert_attachment( string|array $args, string|false $file = false, int $parent_post_id, bool $wp_error = false, bool $fire_after_hooks =…
Untitled Snippet
Untitled Snippet
Emails via two different Postmark streams based on the email subject
WP Mail SMTP plugin does not directly support selecting a specific Postmark message stream based on…