Force Minimum Password Length in Profile Editor

Verify password minimum length in the EDD profile editor.

Give Subscription on Purchase

This snippet will provide customers with one year of access to subscription content when they make…

Change the sold by link label to vendor's name

Change the sold by link label to vendor's name

Use Billing Address in Order Exports

By default the export order feature for the vendor dashboard users the customers shipping address. This…

Add Custom Taxonomy - Single Vendor Taxonomy

It'll only allow the vendor to select one custom taxonomy term at a time

How to change the store address country for all vendors

/** * Set the vendor's store country to us. */ function wcv_set_vendor_country() { if ( function_exists(…

Allow "Mark received" for Digital Product

if ( ! function_exists( 'wcv_allow_mark_received_for_digital_product' ) ) { /** * Allow vendors to mark received for…

MemberPress: Dynamic Trail Periods

Sets up a dynamic trial period so that all users renew on the same date. In…

Untitled Snippet

@ini_set( 'upload_max_size' , '120M' ); @ini_set( 'post_max_size', '120M'); @ini_set( 'max_execution_time', '300' );

How to Allow Upload SVG Files in WordPress Media Library Code | Function.php

This code is a set of WordPress filters designed to enable the upload of SVG (Scalable…

Set the ranges for Calendar & Calendar List (Combined) View | Display Eventbrite Events

The following code snippet filters the valid ranges for the next/prev keys of the calendar and…

Untitled Snippet

function obtener_sismos_recientes() { // URL de la API $url = ''; // Obtener los datos de…

WordPress Typography Enhancement: Preventing Widows in Conten

This code is a WordPress filter designed to prevent "widows" in typography within the content displayed…

WordPress Memory Exhausted

WordPress is written in PHP, which is a server-side programming language. Additionally, every website needs a…

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