Keep Emoticons

WordPress converts all emoticons to emoji. This small snippet prevents that, without removing emojis from your…

Event Snippet (Schedule Fitting)

Event snipping is used to track Google ads booking conversions

JT Trisko PRO

Move Jump to Recipe above featured image

/** * Ensures the "Jump to Recipe" button is added to the content really late. */…


Disable Pages and Post from Appearing in Wordpress Search Results

Using WPCode, apply the following code snippet to effectively disable certain pages from appearing in the…

Make Product Non Purchasable for Wholesale Customer if Product Stock is Less Than Certain Amount

This snippet will allow you to make a product unavailable for purchase by wholesale customers if…

Hide nutrition facts for Tasty Recipes printing

Prevent nutritional information from being displayed in the Tasty Recipes print view


Remove address from the header

Remove address block from the header

Remove hyperlink from name field

add_filter('preprocess_comment', 'remove_links_from_comment_author'); function remove_links_from_comment_author($commentdata) { // Regular expression to detect hyperlinks $pattern = '/

Pete Tran

Szállítási módok elrejtése a Kosár oldalon

Ezzel a kóddal a Kosár oldalon lehet a szállítási módokat elrejteni, így a vásárlók azt csak…

Remove Post Title from Yoast Breadcrumbs

This snippet removes the post title from Yoast SEO breadcrumbs

Podcast for Thrive time

Garry Grant Podcast Thrive Time Show

Garry Grant

Untitled Snippet

i want a on off button that when press each other send logical true if press…

Elementor - Fix the Accordion SEO issue

add_filter( 'elementor/widget/render_content', function ( $widget_content, $widget ) { if ( 'accordion' === $widget->get_name() ) { $widget_content…

Add User Email To Donation Summary

This will allow - among other places - for the user email to be displayed on…

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