Google AdSense code
AdSense code
Increase the Number of Posts Imported Per Batch from Yoast SEO Plugin
This filter can be used to increase the default number of posts imported per batch from…
Google AD
Google AD Snippet
Disable emails on free purchases
If the purchase was for a free product, don't send any emails.
Add Empty Option To Countries List
Add an empty "Select your country"option at the start of the list of countries in the…
user menu for logged in and logged out users
function my_wp_nav_menu_args( $args = '' ) { if( is_user_logged_in() ) { $args['menu'] = 'logged-in'; } else…
WP Simple Pay: Use Custom Field Value as Stripe Payment Description
Use the value of a custom field as the description for the Stripe payment record.
Remove Customer Role From Excluded Roles
This filter can be used to remove the customer role from the excluded roles
Add Offline Instructions Field
Add a new field to your donation-related emails which shows the offline payment instructions for offline…
Remove Donor Count From Specific Campaign
Hide the campaign donor count from a specific campaign, using the campaign ID.
Add Country
Add Kosovo to the list of countries in Charitable.
Let Google place ads for you
Add one piece of code to your site and Google will automatically show ads in all…
Change Section Headers Per Campaign
Change the section headers in the donation form.
Update Cart Automatically
/** * Update Cart Automatically on Quantity Change * * @author Misha Rudrastyh * @url…
Show Discount Field
Makes the discount field on checkout show by default.