Digital Store Theme - Latest Downloads Number

Changes the number of downloads displayed in the latest downloads section of the store front template.

Allow ICO Files Upload

Enable ICO File Uploads on your WordPress website with this PHP code snippet.

MemberPress: Exclude Posts, Pages, Categories, or Tags from PayWall

Exclude specific posts, pages, categories, or tags from being viewed with the PayWall free views.

Disable The WP Admin Bar

Hide the WordPress Admin Bar for all users in the frontend.

add post formats

Adding different types of post formats: aside – Typically styled without a title. Similar to a…

AIOSEO FAQ Block accordion

Adds accordion style toggle functionality to the AIOSEO FAQ block.


Fireside Announcement Bar

NEW: 🔥 Fireside Films 🔥 GET TICKETS

Logout URL

This snippet creates a simple logout URL link that you can use as a shortcode.


Child Support Calculator

function child_support_calculator_shortcode() { // Enqueue the JavaScript wp_enqueue_script('child-support-calculator', get_template_directory_uri() . '/path-to-your-js-folder/child-support-calculator.js', array('jquery'), '1.0.0', true); ob_start(); include…

Jeremy Setters

Enable Full WP_Editor on Product Fields

add_filter( 'wcv_product_description_editor_settings', 'wcv_full_editor' ); add_filter( 'wcv_product_short_description_editor_settings', 'wcv_full_editor' ); function wcv_full_editor( $settings ){ $settings['teeny'] = false; return…

Filter to change Custom Post Type settings | Quick Event Manager

The plugin uses Custom Post Types for Events. The default setting for the post type is…

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