Show Invoice for Refunded

Makes PDF Invoices available for refunded payments

Price Option Not Checked

Prevent variable pricing options from being checked by default

Elementor Store Headers

Gives support for Elementor on WC Vendor Headers

Use Billing Address in Order Exports

add_filter( 'wcv_export_orders_use_shipping_address', 'wcv_order_export_use_shipping_address' ); function wcv_order_export_use_shipping_address( ){ return false;

Change the "Commission" header for the Recent Orders table

Change the "Commission" header for the Recent Orders table using the "wcvendors_recent_order_table_columns" filter hook.

Escaping data with wp_kses

// ❌ Don't use html tags in escaping functions like esc_html, esc_attr and their localized equivalents…

Tweak Price Display (Adjusts the Prices) | Display Eventbrite Events

The Display Eventbrite plugin premium version can display prices. If you want to tweak to display…

Allow Other WordPress Roles to View Email Logs

This snippet will allow you to manage the capabilities of roles allowed to view the site's…

Defining Other SMTP Constants

This snippet will prevent users from changing WP Mail SMTP settings in your WordPress admin area…

Untitled Snippet

// Get the butterflies container const butterfliesContainer = document.querySelector('.butterflies'); // Create a function to generate a…


// Using Ember.js. import Route from '@ember/routing/route'; export default Route.extend({ beforeModel(transition) { if (window.om5678_1234) { window.om5678_1234.reset();…


html div#om-{{id}} { width: 350px !important; left: calc(350px / 2) !important; right: calc(350px / 2) !important;…

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